2017 Silver Sets

The 2017 United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof Setand the 2017 United States Mint Silver Proof Set™ will be issued that year by the US Mint and will contain coins struck from 90% silver. These 2017 Silver Sets are likely the only two to be issued that year to be able to claim that distinction.

A total of five strikes in the quarter silver sets will contain the precious metal whereas seven of the coins included in the standard 2017 silver sets should be struck from silver. The quarter silver sets will contain the five 2017 America the Beautiful Quarters each struck from the precious metal instead of their standard clad composition.

The 2017 Silver Sets will also contain those five America the Beautiful coins as well as strikes representing the remaining circulation quality coins produced by the US Mint that year. This includes the Lincoln Cent, the Jefferson Nickel, the Roosevelt Dime, the Kennedy Half Dollar, the Native American $1 Coin and the Presidential $1 Coins. In addition to the quarters, the dime and the half dollar will be struck from silver, the remaining strikes will be featured in their standard clad composition.

2017 America the Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof Set

The 2017 Quarters Silver Proof Set will contain a total of 0.904 ounces of the precious metal when all five strikes included as part of it are added together. These coins will be struck to proof quality at the US Mint’s facility in San Francisco and encased in a special protective lens.

The 2017 Quarter Silver Sets are scheduled to include the following five strikes:

  • 2017-S Effigy Mounds Quarter representing Effigy Mounds National Monument of Iowa
  • 2017-S Frederick Douglass Quarter representing Frederick Douglass National Historic Site in Washington, D.C.
  • 2017-S Ozark Quarter representing Ozark National Scenic Riverways of Missouri
  • 2017-S Ellis Island Quarter representing Ellis Island National Monument of New Jersey
  • 2017-S George Rogers Clark Quarter representing George Rogers Clark National Historical Park of Indiana

These five coins represent the eighth year for the America the Beautiful series which debuted in 2010.

2017 Silver Proof Set

The 2017 Silver Proof Set is scheduled to include a minimum of ten coins as part of it. This is at least three less than in the 2017 silver sets and four less than the sets released by the Mint before that one. That is because from 2007 until 2015, four Presidential $1 Coins were also released in the silver sets. However, by 2016, all qualified individuals may have already been honored in the series.

However, if former US Presidents pass away in time to qualify for the series, some may be honored on coins in 2017 and will thus be included as part of these silver sets.

As it currently stands, the 2017 Silver Sets will include the following ten coins:

  • 2017-S Lincoln Cent
  • 2017-S Jefferson Nickel
  • 2017-S Roosevelt Dime
  • 2017-S Effigy Mounds Quarter
  • 2017-S Frederick Douglass Quarter
  • 2017-S Ozark Quarter
  • 2017-S Ellis Island Quarter
  • 2017-S George Rogers Clark Quarter
  • 2017-S Kennedy Half Dollar
  • 2017-S Native American $1 Coin

The quarter dollars, the dime and the half dollar will all be struck from silver totaling 1.338 ounces of the precious metal.



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